Historic & Special Events
The Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M of Virginia and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia F. & A.M Inc. for the first time in history jointly lay a cornerstone at the Lancaster County Courthouse on 09-11-2010
Brother Richard Dreyfuss made a Mason "at sight" attends Universal Lodge 06-11-11
Brother, President Gerald R. Ford December 31, 2006
Brother Roy Clark GALA to benefit The Masonic Home of Virginia 07-30-10
Cornerstone Laying by GL of VA & GL of Prince Hall 09-11-2010
Conference of Grand Masters February 22, 2010
Grand Lodge of Virginia Grand Annual Communication 2008
Institution of The Patriot Lodge 10-23-10
Most photographed Grand Master of Masons in Virginia
Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team July 08, 2010
Oldest Man in the World is a Mason and a Shriner
World Conference of Grand Masters August 03, 2008
Worlds largest Masonic Emblem (square and compasses.) June 26, 1999