Masonic Freemason, Shrine and many others
Kena Temple Hiram's Computer Club Masonic Picture Collection, there are more then 4,000
There are over 4,000 pictures here. I have not had time to finish editing all of the pages so you will need to scroll to view all the pictures.
Most of the pictures here have been reduced to thumbnail size on the main page to allow for faster loading.
These Folders contains a collection of diverse prints, pictures, diagrams, and other objects. They were collected, sorted, and arranged as a benefit and service to those interested in and members of the Masonic fraternities.
Please note that where redundant or duplicate files are found. This is intentional as an ongoing effort has been made to include multiple formats of each individual file. This is to allow the user to select the format most useful or convenient to the application chosen.
These files are stored in Google Drive, to view them as a thumbnail image make sure you switch to GRID view, here's how >>>
Index of folders with Masonic Clipart
Masonic\Art Work
Masonic\Craft Masonry
Masonic\Fork and Knife
Masonic\Hi Twelve
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\Blue Lodge Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\MSRICF Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\Other
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\SR Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\SR Other Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\YR Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\YR Other Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\YRKT Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\YRRAM Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Backgrounds\YRRSM Backgrounds
Masonic\Masonic Borders
Masonic\Masonic Buildings
Masonic\Masonic Miscellaneous
Masonic\Masonic Miscellaneous\Prince Hall Masonry
Masonic\Masonic Personalities
Masonic\Masonic Regalia
Masonic\Masonic Renewal
Masonic\Masonic Seals
Masonic\Masonic Youth
Masonic\Masonic Youth\DeMolay
Masonic\Masonic Youth\Jobies
Masonic\Masonic Youth\Knights of Pythagorus
Masonic\Masonic Youth\Rainbow
Masonic\National Sojourners
Masonic\Order of Amaranth
Masonic\Order of Eastern Star
Masonic\Past Master
Masonic\Scottish Rite
Masonic\Scottish Rite\33rd
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Chapter
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Consistory
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Council
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Degrees
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Grand Cross
Masonic\Scottish Rite\KCCH
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Lodge
Masonic\Scottish Rite\NorthJuris
Masonic\Scottish Rite\Ros
Masonic\Square & Compasses
Masonic\Tall Cedars of Lebanon
Masonic\White Shrine of Jerusalem
Masonic\York Rite
Masonic\York Rite\Chapter
Masonic\York Rite\Chapter\Keystone
Masonic\York Rite\Chapter\Officers
Masonic\York Rite\Chapter\Tools
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery\IORC
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery\KT
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery\Malta
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery\Memorabilia
Masonic\York Rite\Commandery\Officers
Masonic\York Rite\Council
Masonic\York Rite\YR Bodies
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\Amd
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\GCofRites
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\Hraktp
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\Kmason
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\Kych
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\Rcconst
Masonic\York Rite\YR Other\YRC
National and Royal Orders
National and Royal Orders\_derived
National and Royal Orders\_overlay
National and Royal Orders\Albanian
National and Royal Orders\Albanian\Order of Skanderbeg
National and Royal Orders\Arabic
National and Royal Orders\Arabic\Egyptian
National and Royal Orders\Arabic\Syrian
National and Royal Orders\Austrian
National and Royal Orders\Austrian\Order of Francis Joseph
National and Royal Orders\Austrian\Order of Golden Fleece-Austria
National and Royal Orders\Austrian\Order of the Iron Crown
National and Royal Orders\Baltic
National and Royal Orders\Baltic\Estonian
National and Royal Orders\Belgian
National and Royal Orders\Belgian\Order of Leopold II
National and Royal Orders\Belgian\Order of the Crown
National and Royal Orders\Brazil
National and Royal Orders\Bulgarian
National and Royal Orders\Bulgarian\Order of St. Alexander
National and Royal Orders\Chinese
National and Royal Orders\Croatian
National and Royal Orders\Croatian\Order of the Crown of Zvonomir I
National and Royal Orders\Danish
National and Royal Orders\Danish\Order of the Danneborg
National and Royal Orders\Danish\Order of the Elephant
National and Royal Orders\English
National and Royal Orders\English\British Commonwlth Orders
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of Merit
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of St. John of Jerusalem
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of St. Michael and St. George
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of St. Patrick
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of the Bath
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of the Garter
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of the Indian Empire
National and Royal Orders\English\Order of the Thistle
National and Royal Orders\Fictious
National and Royal Orders\Finnish
National and Royal Orders\Finnish\Order of the White Rose
National and Royal Orders\French
National and Royal Orders\French\Order of Malta
National and Royal Orders\French\Order of the Iron Crown
National and Royal Orders\French\Order of the Legion of Honor
National and Royal Orders\French\Republican Orders
National and Royal Orders\German
National and Royal Orders\German\Bavarian
National and Royal Orders\German\Bavarian\Order of Military Merit
National and Royal Orders\German\Bavarian\Order of St. George and Immaculate Conception
National and Royal Orders\German\Bavarian\Order of St. Michael
National and Royal Orders\German\Bavarian\Order of the Bavarian Crown
National and Royal Orders\German\Hessian
National and Royal Orders\German\Johanniter
National and Royal Orders\German\Nazi
National and Royal Orders\German\Prussian
National and Royal Orders\German\Prussian\Order of Military Merit
National and Royal Orders\German\Prussian\Order of the Black Eagle
National and Royal Orders\German\Prussian\Order of the Iron Cross
National and Royal Orders\German\Prussian\Order of the Red Eagle
National and Royal Orders\German\Saxon
National and Royal Orders\Greek
National and Royal Orders\Greek\Order of the Redeemer
National and Royal Orders\Hungarian
National and Royal Orders\Hungarian\Order of Merit
National and Royal Orders\Iranian
National and Royal Orders\Italian
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Fascist
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Order of St. Januarius
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Order of St. Stephen
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Order of the Annuciation
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Order of the Crown
National and Royal Orders\Italian\Sacred Order of Constantine
National and Royal Orders\Japanese
National and Royal Orders\Japanese\Order of the Chrysanthemum
National and Royal Orders\Japanese\Order of the Rising Sun
National and Royal Orders\Japanese\Order of the Sacred Treasure
National and Royal Orders\Maltese
National and Royal Orders\Mexican
National and Royal Orders\Mongolian
National and Royal Orders\Norwegian
National and Royal Orders\Norwegian\Order of St. Olaf
National and Royal Orders\Papal
National and Royal Orders\Papal\Order of St. Gregory the Great
National and Royal Orders\Papal\Order of the Holy Sepulcher
National and Royal Orders\Papal\Sovereign Military Order of Malta
National and Royal Orders\Polish
National and Royal Orders\Portuguese
National and Royal Orders\Portuguese\Order of Christ
National and Royal Orders\Portuguese\Order of the Tower and Sword
National and Royal Orders\Rumanian
National and Royal Orders\Russian
National and Royal Orders\Russian\Communist
National and Royal Orders\Russian\Order of Malta-Russian
National and Royal Orders\Russian\Order of St. Andrew the First Called
National and Royal Orders\Russian\Order of St. George
National and Royal Orders\Russian\Ukranian
National and Royal Orders\Serbian
National and Royal Orders\Serbian\Order of St. Sava
National and Royal Orders\Serbian\Order of the White Eagle
National and Royal Orders\Spanish
National and Royal Orders\Spanish\Order of Charles III
National and Royal Orders\Spanish\Order of Isabella the Catholic
National and Royal Orders\Spanish\Order of Maria Luisa
National and Royal Orders\Spanish\Order of St. Hermengild
National and Royal Orders\Spanish\Order of the Golden Fleece - Spain
National and Royal Orders\Swedish
National and Royal Orders\Turkish
National and Royal Orders\Vietnamese
National and Royal Orders\Vietnamese\Order of the Dragon of Annam
National and Royal Orders\Vietnamese\Order of the Dragon of Annam\images